Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2024
Event Time: 12:00 - 1:00 pm MST
Managing diabetes during periods of illness presents unique challenges that require careful consideration and proactive strategies. This presentation aims to provide insights into the complexities of diabetes management in the context of illness, emphasizing the importance of education, preparation, and adaptive strategies.
Learning Outcome
Learners will gain knowledge about how to counsel people with diabetes and caregivers when they are sick or preparing for procedures.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:
• Identify the essential components of a sick day plan, including medication adjustments and glucose monitoring strategies.
• Understand how to adjust insulin or antihyperglycemic medications based on glucose readings and illness severity.
• Discuss complications that may arise from illness, such as ketoacidosis or hyperglycemia
• Describe recommendations regarding antihyperglycemic use prior to procedures and surgeries.
Activity Type
This is a knowledge-based learning activity.
Intended Audience
This activity is designed for
individual or groups of diabetes care and education specialists, including nurses,
dietitians, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, nurse practitioners, PAs, and other health
care providers interested in staying up to date on current practices of care
for people with diabetes and other related conditions.
Test Your Computer
ensure that your participation is successful, please test your system as soon
as possible so if you do have technical challenges, you will have time to get
them sorted out. Click here to test your computer.
must have a broadband wired or wireless (3G or 4G/LTE) internet connection to
attend this event. Click here for operating system