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Leadership Elections

Members are welcome to apply for positions on our national Board of Directors to help make an impact on diabetes care and education.

ADCES Election 2024

Vote for ADCES leadership in the 2024 election

Voting is Now Open!

Thank you to everyone who answered the call to participate in the 2024 ADCES® National Leadership Election! 

On July 5th, you should have received your voting ballot in an email from Survey & Ballot Systems ([email protected]). Your voting ballot is associated with and validated by the email address listed on your ADCES member profile. Simply open the email from [email protected], click on the link provided within the email, and you'll be taken directly to the online ballot ‒ no username and no password are required. 

Voting will be open until July 31st, 2024. 

If you don't receive your email ballot from Survey & Ballot Systems ON JULY 5th, please visit their page and follow the instructions. 

2024 Election Positions

Positions for the 2024 election are posted below: 

  • President-elect 
  • Treasurer 
  • Board of Directors:  Four positions, each to fill a three-year term. 
  • Nominating Committee:  Four positions, each to fill a one-year term. 


For questions about the election, please contact Jenna Robertson.

About the Board

Frequently Asked Questions

The basic responsibilities of the Board are to:

•  Define and uphold the mission and vision of the association
•  Work collaboratively with the chief executive officer
•  Develop and implement the strategic plan
•  Ensure advancement of the ADCES vision for the future
•  Monitor and strengthen programs and services
•  Provide oversight of the association’s assets and resources

ADCES Board members have come from a variety of different paths:

•  LNG (Local Networking Group) participation and involvement
•  CB (Coordinating Bodies) leadership and engagement
•  COI (Communities of Interest) involvement or leadership
•  Member Affiliates Council service
•  Contributions to ADCES programs, resources, publications and the Annual Conference

•  Service on ADCES national committees or work groups ─ e.g., Advocacy Committee, Annual Conference Planning Committee, Awards Committee, Content Oversight Committee, Continuing Education Reviewers Group, Credentialing Oversight Committee, danatech Editorial Board, Favorably Reviewed Committee, Peer Support Communities, Professional Practice Committee, Research Committee, Technology Committee, etc.

Experience in any one or more of these paths can help prepare you for leadership on the Board.

Members can prepare for leadership by doing any of the following: 

•  Read ADCES professional journals for research, application, activities
•  Participate in ADCES-sponsored meetings, webinars, online networking groups and activities
•  Stay up to date on current standards of practice and research in the field of diabetes care and education
•  Work experience as a diabetes care and education specialist
•  Attend other organizations’ meetings
•  Serve in other organizations
- ADA local, national activities
- And affiliate groups, state or practice groups
- Diabetes and non-diabetes non-profit leadership or involvement

No one person possesses all of the knowledge that is important for effective service on the Board. The nominating committee typically looks for any combination of the following when considering applications to the Board:

•  Knowledge of current and future treatments, practice guidelines and care
•  Broad perspective on emerging trends / innovative means to deliver diabetes care and education, related technology
•  Understanding of advocacy, government agencies and programs related to diabetes
•  Connections with related organizations, industry partners or peer support communities

Again, no one person possesses all of the skills that are important for effective service on the Board. The nominating committee typically looks for any combination of the following when considering applications to the Board:

•  Strategic and critical thinking
•  Effective communication / ability to maintain a welcoming environment for creative ideas and generative discussions, even when perspectives differ from your own
•  Ability to oversee and monitor the management of resources
•  Ability to prioritize ADCES opportunities
•  Ability to lead a small group

The Board of Directors participate in:

•  4 Board meetings annually
- January (Friday - Sunday)
- April (Friday - Sunday)
- August (Wednesday - Monday / in conjunction with Annual Conference)
- November (Thursday or Friday - Sunday)
•  1 Board conference call in December – budget approval
•  4 committee meetings – held in conjunction with Board meetings
•  4 committee conference calls – scheduled between Board meetings
•  Board members will also be invited to participate in the ADCES annual Public Policy Forum: 2 days in May.

Preparation for each meeting/event will vary depending on the amount of material to be covered. In general, plan to set aside two full days to prepare for each Board meeting and one day to prepare for each conference call.

Yes. Flights to Board events are booked through the ADCES corporate travel partner and are charged directly to ADCES.  Housing expenses are also charged directly to ADCES. All other travel-related expenses will be reimbursed to Board members in accordance with the ADCES Volunteer Expense Reimbursement Policy.

An expense stipend is provided only to those serving in the offices of president, president-elect, and Immediate past president to cover for expenses including the considerable time taken from work or other duties in which they are engaged, and for any other related personal expenses which may be incurred during their term.

When serving on the Board, your primary role at the Annual Conference is to represent the Board of Directors. In addition to attending each general session, you will be expected to attend a number of meetings and receptions (i.e., IAC meeting, annual business meeting, volunteer reception, president’s reception, etc.). It is recommended that members of the Board not commit to any external meetings or non-ADCES speaking engagements until the final Board schedule is distributed, approximately two weeks before the conference.  

During your tenure on the Board (beginning January 1 following the election), you will receive complimentary registration to the Annual Conference. ADCES will secure your room reservation at the host hotel, which will be billed directly to ADCES. Flights booked through the ADCES corporate travel partner will also be charged directly to ADCES. All other travel-related expenses will be reimbursed to Board members in accordance with the ADCES Volunteer Expense Reimbursement Policy.

When elected to the Board, the president-elect will assign you to one of the governing committees based on your interests and background. The governing committees are:

•  Planning and Development Committee (PDC) ─ Responsible for designing and overseeing the association’s strategic planning processes and budget cycle.
•  Performance Oversight and Monitoring Committee (POMC) ─ Responsible for designing programmatic and financial performance measures and utilizing them to review and monitor the performance of all the association’s programs and administrative functions; reviewing and recommending revisions to established Board policies and creating Board policies as needed. 
•  Stakeholder/Member Relations Committee (SMRC) ─ Responsible for designing the association’s desired image in the eyes of members and key stakeholders; for overseeing the formulation of strategies that will promote that image; and for maintaining effective communication and working relationships with members, key association governing bodies and important stakeholder organizations. The member affiliates liaison is permanently assigned to the SMRC.

Ideally, Board members will rotate between these three committees during their three-year Board term. 

The fourth governing committee is the Governance Committee. It is comprised of the president, president-elect, immediate past president, treasurer, corporate secretary, and the Chairs of the PDC, POMC, and SMRC. It serves as the committee for management and coordination of the Board of Directors.

An applicant for the Board, including the member affiliates liaison, must be a member in good standing at the time of application, election and throughout his/her term of service. Candidates must maintain active membership (as defined by ADCES Bylaws) for a minimum of three years before applying for an elected position.

Many diabetes care and education specialists are not eligible for the CDCES credential for various reasons. The CDCES credential is valuable, but it is not a requirement for service on the ADCES Board of Directors.

“Active members who are employed by a company that is in the business of sales or marketing of diabetes pharmaceuticals, supplies or equipment shall not be eligible to stand for national elective office or a directorship position.”

The member affiliates liaison (MAL) is an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors with all the responsibilities expected of a director. In addition to his/her director responsibilities, the MAL plays a significant and visible role in the ADCES Annual Leadership Forum, Member Affiliates Council calls, and CB and LNG briefings. There is also an expectation for the MAL to be engaged with the Volunteer Leadership Forum on the association's online social network. When slating the ballot for the member affiliates liaison position, the nominating committee will typically look for candidates who have demonstrated engagement with COIs or their local CB.

In 2015, the ADCES Board of Directors and the ADCES Foundation Board of Trustees approved a recommendation to designate the ADCES Board of Directors as the Foundation’s Board of Trustees (“overlapping Boards”). It is important to note that although the ADCES Foundation bears the name of the professional association, it is a completely separate, independently governed organization. The time commitment for service as a Foundation trustee is minimal, and the work is included as part of your preparation for ADCES Board meetings.

Only a current member of the Board of Directors or a previous member of the Board who has been off the Board for no more than two years is eligible to be a candidate for an officer position. This limits the pool from which officers can be elected. For that reason, it is important that all applicants for the Board of Directors consider running for an officer position at the end of his/her term as director.

Service on the national Board of Directors exposes you to issues, policies and processes that often transcend locality or area of specialty. While CB leaders are more often engaged in task-oriented duties in support of the ADCES mission and vision, Board members are called upon to be more visionary, think strategically and examine the issues we face both today and in the future. 

Leadership on the national level provides a broad and enlightened view of the national landscape of diabetes care and education. Being involved in national discussions about policy, best practices, healthcare reform and changes with a group of peers and leaders from many backgrounds and specialties increases your knowledge and deepens understanding around opportunities and barriers to improved healthcare. As you participate in Board committees, events and meetings, your skills as a leader develop further over time, which can open up new opportunities that can benefit you for years beyond your ADCES Board participation.