Perspectives on Diabetes Care

This is the official blog of the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists where we share recent research and professional opinions on diabetes care and education.


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If you're looking for professional opinions on diabetes care and education, you're in the right place. Perspectives on Diabetes Care is the official ADCES® diabetes care and education blog that shares helpful views on diabetes care and education. 

This is where you'll find practical tips on working with people affected by prediabetes, diabetes and related cardiometabolic conditions and the latest research and viewpoints on issues facing diabetes care and education specialists and the people they serve.



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The Business Side of Diabetes: Surviving as a Clinician in a Business Role

Jun 14, 2021, 07:00 AM

By Teresa Pearson, MS, RN, Exec MBA, FADCES
Executive Editor of ADCES In Practice
2019 Distinguished Service Award Recipient

ADCES21 is fast approaching and there is something for everyone when it comes to the business side of diabetes. We know many diabetes self-management and education and support (DSMES) programs and National Diabetes Prevention Programs (DPP) continue to close or are struggling to sustain themselves. We need to find ways to be more efficient while also maintaining quality. This often means going outside the box and outside our comfort zone to meet the needs of people with diabetes while also staying afloat.

The business side of diabetes education track is designed to meet the needs of the busy diabetes care and education specialist who is also charged with the business aspects of the program. Expert presenters share new ways of delivering DSMES, new lines of service beyond DSMES and National DPP and new ways of collaborating to maximize use of limited resources.

As diabetes care and education specialists, we are also challenged with how to demonstrate our outcomes and the value of our services to administrators and payors. Sessions will explore which types of measures to use, how to present them and with whom to share, and which ones are most impactful when promoting your programs. You will learn to address recruitment and referral processes plus other quality improvements in your program. If marketing is a challenge, don't miss the sessions exploring resources to help you build your brand and create clear messaging about your services.

Topic highlights include:

  • Group Visits for Obesity.
  • Implementing a Patient-Reported Outcome to Improve and Sustain DSMES and DPP.
  • Dynamic Distance Diabetes Programming in Rural Alaska.
  • Two Nurses and a Pharmacist Equal One Awesome Team.
  • Umbrella Hub Arrangements in Community-Based Organizations for the National DPP.
  • Articulate Your Program’s Value to Survive.
  • Telehealth Strategies to Increase Access and Profitability for Diabetes Care and Education Specialists.
  • Upping Your Advocacy Game: Increase Your Influence and Create Policy Change.
  • Create a DSMES Brand Identity.
  • Take This Job and Love it! Run Your Successful Private Practice and Business.
  • Innovative Interventions to Optimize Primary Care Provider Referrals to the National Diabetes Prevention Program. 

Browse the full education schedule at ADCES21 and register today.

ADCES Perspectives on Diabetes Care

The Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists Perspectives on Diabetes Care covers diabetes, prediabetes and other cardiometabolic conditions. Not all views expressed reflect the official position of the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists.

Copyright is owned or held by the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists and all rights are reserved. Permission is granted, at no cost and without need for further request, to link to, quote, excerpt or reprint from these stories in any medium as long as no text is altered, and proper attribution is made to the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists.

HEALTHCARE DISCLAIMER: This site and its services do not constitute the practice of medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always talk to your diabetes care and education specialist or healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment, including your specific medical needs. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified health care professional immediately. To find a diabetes care and education specialist near you, visit

Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists

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