Technology conference an opportunity for primary care to learn the latest about CGM and other diabetes technologies!
Oct 11, 2021, 10:44 AM
By Tamara K. Oser, MD
Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Director, Primary Care Diabetes Lab
University of Colorado School of Medicine Anschutz
The use of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) has become standard of care for many people with diabetes and is rapidly becoming a cornerstone of diabetes management. CGM accuracy continues to improve and is now accurate enough to allow therapeutic/medication dosing decisions. Evidence to support CGM continues to grow, and Time in Range and other CGM metrics allow patients and their healthcare team to understand glycemia in ways that are not possible with A1c alone.
Although many endocrinology practices routinely use CGM, use in primary care has lagged. Given that 50% of adults with type 1 and 90% of adults with type 2 receive their diabetes care in primary care settings, this creates a disparity where many people living with diabetes may not have access to CGM technology.
The first annual ADCES Diabetes Technology Conference will provide a deep dive into CGM and is a great opportunity for primary care healthcare teams to learn about this technology and how to implement CGM into their practice. The conference has sessions ranging from hands on introduction to CGM technologies to how to interpret CGM data to how to incorporate CGM into your practice and get paid to do so!
I am so excited to attend this conference and encourage other primary care teams to attend as well! Learn more at

ADCES Perspectives on Diabetes Care
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