To “Be All You Can Be” – Why I am Proud to be a BC-ADM
Oct 15, 2021, 11:21 AM
By Lucia M. Novak, MSN, ANP-BC, BC-ADM
I have been practicing in the field of diabetes management since the time I was a student in my BSN program at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA many (many) years ago. I encountered diabetes and its impact on the lives it touched everywhere in healthcare.
As a nurse, my passion was being a patient advocate and educator. Therefore, my professional pull toward assisting those with diabetes continued as I advanced in my career. I grew frustrated with a system that was not meeting my patients’ needs. I said to myself, “If not me, who? If not now, then when?”
Perhaps it was my time as a commissioned officer in the US Army Nurse Corps that helped cultivate my take-charge attitude and drove me to become a nurse practitioner. The Army motto at the time was “be all you can be,” and this remains ingrained in who I am and how I approach things to this day. As a nurse practitioner, I offer my patients the full package of high-quality healthcare, education and advocacy.
Practicing at the top of my game requires discipline, knowledge and skill that must be continually and rigorously updated and nationally recognized. This is what led me to seek and obtain the Board Certified-Advanced Diabetes Management (BC-ADM) credential. This certification not only amplified the recognition of my contributions to the healthcare system, it was a critical component for helping our outpatient, hospital-based diabetes institute receive its distinction as a disease-specific care program certified by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (now known as The Joint Commission.)
Today, the BC-ADM credential continues to communicate to all that I am recognized as an expert in diabetes management, care and education and has led to numerous professional opportunities. I am proud and honored to have the credential BC-ADM after my name! Learn more about the BC-ADM and how it can help you stand out as an advanced diabetes management expert.
ADCES Perspectives on Diabetes Care
The Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists Perspectives on Diabetes Care covers diabetes, prediabetes and other cardiometabolic conditions. Not all views expressed reflect the official position of the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists.
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