Start a Discussion Thread - Easier than Sewing on a Button!
Mar 16, 2011, 00:00 AM
What is a discussion thread and why would you want to start one? When talking about an internet forum, a thread (or topic) “is a collection of posts” or a single conversation about a topic. It will have title and the post which opens the dialogue/conversation or alerts members to a significant topic. Others add posts to the thread to continue the conversation.
As a member of AADE, you have access to a wonderful sharing tool within MY AADE NETWORK. Log into the website and click on the MY AADE NETWORK right by your name. This will take you to your home page. You will see “My State Network” and “My Communities.”

Your State Network will bring you to the homepage for your state and will also show you all LNGs in your state. My Communities will bring you to your Communities of Interest (COI), formerly SPGs.
When you go to your state network page you’ll see “Participate in Statewide Discussions”:

When you go to COI you’ll see a discussion forum. For instance, if you visit the Physical Activity COI, you can click on the bold “COI: Physical Activity Discussions,” and you will see the conversations currently happening:

In each of these forums, you will see “Add Thread.” Here is your chance to ask a question or exchange information with many people who will receive your post.

Do you have something you want to ask others in your State/Region? Add a thread on your State or Regional page. Do you have a question about a particular interest? Add a thread on a COI page related to the issue. How do you do it? It is very simple:
Click on the Add Thread tab. It brings you to something that looks like an email message.
Fill in the subject line to let others know the topic of your question or announcement. The catchier, the better.
Then, go to the message box and post your thread.
It can be as short as a few sentences! You can add an attachment. You can “Preview Thread” to be sure it looks as you intended. When you are ready to post it, go to “Release Thread” and off it goes. Then, wait for your responses.
Don't forget to subscribe to the discussion forum you’re posting in. This ensures you won’t miss out on any replies to your thread since they’ll be delivered directly to your preferred email once you subscribe:

Anyone can post to their State, Regional, or COI discussion. So, I encourage you to give it a try. It is quicker and easier than sewing on a button. Help yourself, help others, and be an engaged member of AADE!