2015: AADE and You
Jan 6, 2015, 00:00 AM
Welcome to 2015! 
The start of the New Year often makes us think about possible activities, goals, and opportunities for personal growth. Have you thought about your possibilities for 2015? Getting involved in AADE can be a great way to increase your accomplishments and personal growth as you help other diabetes educators and people with diabetes.
As I write this blog, I am preparing to go to AADE’s 2015 Leadership Forum in Chicago. I will be joined by leaders of the State Coordinating Bodies and Communities of Interest, as well as others who are in various leadership roles within AADE. We will spend 1 ½ days in sessions where we will learn about the current diabetes landscape, advocacy, how to engage young professionals and future leaders, how to write a blog, reinventing professionally and as a volunteer leader, and mind and body balance in the work place. There are many positive things I have gained in the past from attending the forum including interaction with an amazing group of volunteer leaders and AADE staff, learning about how to be a better volunteer leader, and learning how to grow personally! 
Bringing in the New Year and preparing to go to the meeting caused me to reflect on involvement in AADE. There are opportunities for all members of AADE to get involved. It doesn’t have to be at a national level, or involve travel or much time, or be a long-term commitment. There are so many ways to work with other diabetes educators in AADE, with a small time commitment, from the convenience of your own home/office.
Do you see yourself getting more involved in this great organization? You can go to the Get Involved page on the AADE website to explore some options. Once there, take a peek at some of the videos of some volunteer leaders and then go to the Get Involved checklist. You will see where you can choose your areas of interest, effort level and time interest, and if travel is required or not. Once you make your selections, some possible positions pop up. It is kind of fun to do! You can review the positions and choose “I’m interested!” where you are. This will put you in a pool of volunteers to be contacted when opportunities arise.
I have always found AADE to be a wonderful organization with an amazing staff. Each time I participated in an activity, I have gained in my personal and/or professional growth, and typically feel like I gained as much or more than I gave. Is it time for you to dip your toe in the water by getting involved? Remember, it doesn’t need to be a long term or time-consuming commitment. Think about taking the first step by visiting the Get Involved section of the AADE website and see where you can go with AADE in 2015.
I wish you a happy and healthy 2015!